Relax Yoga

Yoga Therapy for Upper Back and Neck Pain
October 21, 2021 November 25, 2021

Total # of Classes

Class length
75 minutes

“Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of Yoga.”  IAYT

Yoga Therapy for Upper Back and Neck Pain

Do you suffer from:
  • Stiff upper back, neck, or shoulders?
  • Stiffness or pain in the neck?
  • Pain in the upper back or between shoulder blades?
  • Difficulty turning your head?
  • Difficulty raising your arms?
  • Upper back kyphosis?
Yoga therapy for upper back and neck pain is a 6-week course that aims to teach you how you can use the tools of yoga to help alleviate your pain and prevent re-occurrence of pain in the future.

Over 6 weeks, through a combination of private and group yoga therapy sessions you will get to know your body and learn the techniques need to address acute pain, move to improve mobility of the area, and then stabilise the region to help prevent the pain from coming back in the future.

You will develop practice daily at home with your personalised program.

Please note yoga therapy is NOT physiotherapy.  A yogic approach to healing considers the persons mind, personality, lifestyle, energy, and innate unlimited capacity for joy, in addition to their physical form.  You will be taught yogic techniques which may include movement, breathing, focus, visualisation and chanting.  The techniques you learn in this course will be specific to your needs.
Are you ready to take your wellness into your own hands?

Full Fee $480-
Less Group Therapy Discount -$100- 
Your course fee $380-
Your course fee includes.
  • 1x 60-minute Initial Private Yoga Therapy Session prior to the commencement of the course.  Discussion of your history, your experience with upper back and neck pain, physical observation, and movement assessment to ensure your individual needs are met within the group environment. (value $110-).
  • 6x 75-minute group yoga therapy classes with a maximum of 4 other students (value $180-).
  • Home practice instructions, notes and digital recources updated each week.
  • 1x 30-minute Private Yoga Therapy Session while the course is running.  A time to check in, privately ask questions, share your experiences with your therapist and benefit from the individual attention you need to refine your personal practice. (value $80-).
  • 1x 60-minute Private Yoga Therapy Session after the 6-week course is complete (within 2 weeks) – to set forward direction for your continued practice and wellness. (value $110-).
Make ups for missed Group Yoga Therapy Classes will not be available.

Once you have committed to the program I will be in touch to schedule your private sessions and discuss your availabilty for group Yoga Therapy Sessions. 

Note, YOU must be willing to committ to attending at the same time each week for 6 consecutive weeks.

The course will run from the end of 21st October - 25 November 2021.

If you would like to discuss this program with Tes prior to purchasing your pass please call 0438 864 490.

Otherwise, secure your place now with purchase of this pass and I will be in touch ASAP.

"As long as there is breath, we can do something." T.  Krishnamacharya

About your Yoga Therapist
Tes Steele (Bsc. Hons) has been practicing yoga since 2003 at which time she was embedded in a career in Biomedical Research.  After having 3 children she left the research lab, re-trained and has been and teaching yoga since late 2013.  In recent years she has undertaken significant studies to deepen her understanding of yoga and the human condition.  Having commenced studies in the Viniyoga Tradition with Yoga Therapy Australia in November 2017, Tes has since accumulated trainings with MD, Author and Senior Yoga Therapist Dr NC in Chennai, India in addition to undertaking the Postgraduate Diploma of Yoga Therapy Program with The Yoga Institute in Sydney and completing a complimentary course with Viniyoga Australia, where she continues to study and is closely mentored by former President of Yoga Australia and founder of Viniyoga Australia, Leanne Davis. This 6-week yoga therapy program was designed in consultation with Leanne Davis, Senior Yoga Therapist.

The class takes place on...

  • October 21 at 2:00 pm (Thursday)
  • October 28 at 2:00 pm (Thursday)
  • November 4 at 2:00 pm (Thursday)
  • November 11 at 2:00 pm (Thursday)
  • November 18 at 2:00 pm (Thursday)
  • November 25 at 1:00 pm (Thursday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
