Relax Yoga

ZOOM LIVE-STREAM (Yoga Philosophy & Chanting)
with Tes

October 13 (Wednesday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
75 minutes

Beyond the poses and breathing practices presented in everyday yoga classes is a rich philosophy which, for thousands of years has guided humans to an understanding of themselves and to relief from their suffering.
In this class we engage in a step by step study of this philosophy as it is laid out in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. You will develop familiarity with Sanskrit phrases that are so much richer than their simple English translations. We will discuss the meaning of each sutra; you will have an opportunity to reflect quietly on how the sutra relates to you with connection to how it may be used in your personal development.
Great for any student of yoga who is curious to learn more about yoga beyond the pose. For yoga teachers who seek to deepen their understanding of yoga philosophy, and for anyone seeking guidance in personal development.
Leave each class feeling empowered with a new lens of understanding for what is going on in your head and in your life.

Your Zoom link will be sent by text message on the morning of your class.
To book inside 24 hrs please text Tes 0438864490 I'm happy to book you in and send you a link manually.


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