Relax Yoga

Stretch Therapy Workshop: Neck & Shoulder Care
with Di

October 27 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Class notes

While a dedicated yoga practice can be helpful for reducing stress levels and building strength and flexibility, there are other techniques you can add to your self-care skill set to better manage pain and stiffness, and free tension held in muscles that aren’t allowing the neck, shoulders and back to move as they should.

This 3-hour Stretch Therapy workshop will focus on releasing tension and restoring movement through the neck, shoulders and upper back that comes from hours spent hunching over a desk, or a lack of mobility that has crept in over years of neglect. We will explore postures and movements that promote joint health, and use a range of stretching and self-massage techniques using soft, pliable massage balls to de-stress and soften tense neck and jaw muscles, and regain freedom of movement in the shoulders, neck and back. We'll practice different breathing techniques to create space in the body, calm the nervous system, and for you to get the most out of your time spent stretching and moving.

Come and learn why the Stretch Therapy system is unique for identifying your particular tension patterns, and addressing the postural tendencies, imbalances, and the chronic neck and shoulder tension that so many of us carry.

Diane is a former desk-jockey turned yoga and Stretch Therapy teacher, is currently studying physiotherapy, and loves helping people learn about taking care of their bodies, moving mindfully, feeling better, breathing easier, and having fun doing it.


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