Relax Yoga

ZOOM LIVE-STREAM (Stretch & Align Yoga)
with Caroline

March 31 (Monday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Join in Stretch & Align Yoga at home!

A fun and interactive class inspired by the Iyengar Yoga Tradition, with a strong focus on alignment of body and mind. Receive detailed instruction and hands on support to move the body into postures that will build strength and stamina, flexibility and balance, concentration and meditation. This yoga class moves in and out of poses step by step making it great for beginners and students carrying injury. 

Suitable for all students who seek to enhance or restore grace and ease in movement, bringing awareness of the body and mind and to immerse in a place of peace and calm.

Equipment Required:  yoga block, yoga strap, bolster (or pillow) a chair.  Blankets, cushions and an eye pillow may also be useful.


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